What is the Marine Industry Dealer Certification (MIDC) Program?
The MIDC Program is a nationwide marine initiative to establish marine dealer business processes that deliver excellence in the purchase and ownership experience for boat customers. It is supported by the National Marine Manufacturers Association, the Marine Retailers Association of America, and many marine manufacturers and suppliers, including Tracker Marine Group. The program is administered by an independent organization that helps dealers implement customer-centered processes through training and an annual on-site certification visit.
What does it take to become a "Certified Dealer?"
A marine dealer is required to demonstrate specific levels of quality measures in various areas within his business. This undertaking requires the dealer to examine and document their business processes, and modify them as needed to meet the program's established industry standards. The administrator also conducts a physical inspection at the dealership to ensure the specified requirements are met. There is a cost associated with becoming certified, so dealers do have a vested interest in meeting the standards.
What is the benefit to me, as a consumer?
The program was developed specifically with the customer in mind. A Certified Dealer is better equipped to provide you with the tools, procedures, personnel and facilities to ensure a positive experience throughout the purchase and ownership cycle. Dealers that take the extra efforts and investment to become certified are stating their commitment to excellence to their customers.